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Westside Barbell - Bands and The Conjugate System

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Westside Barbell - Bands and The Conjugate System

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Product Description

Westside Barbell’s “Bands and the Conjugate System” program, offered here for use with the BTWB App, utilizes resistance bands in max effort lifts, dynamic effort lifts, and accessory exercises. This gives athletes a firm grasp of the key, impactful ways they can implement bands into their wider training program.

Initially introduced to the athletic training world by Coach Dick Hartzell, this system was soon adopted by Louie Simmons, who realized the value of resistance for increasing strength and speed amongst the members of the Westside Barbell gym. The use of bands in the training of an athlete also translates to acceleration, endurance, absolute strength, and in-sport performance.

The Bands & The Conjugate System cycle provides athletes with upper and lower body band exercises sequenced correctly to avoid accommodation and maintain adequate recovery rates. Expected training outcomes include increased absolute strength for both the upper and lower body, increased explosive power for the upper and lower body, and improved overall muscle size.

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BTWB Bands & The Conjugate System - Westside Barbell Programs

Westside Barbell’s “Bands and the Conjugate System” program, offered here for use with the BTWB App, utilizes resistance bands in max effort lifts, dynamic effort lifts, and accessory exercises. This gives athletes a firm grasp of the key, impactful ways they can implement bands into their wider training program.

Initially introduced to the athletic training world by Coach Dick Hartzell, this system was soon adopted by Louie Simmons, who realized the value of resistance for increasing strength and speed amongst the members of the Westside Barbell gym. The use of bands in the training of an athlete also translates to acceleration, endurance, absolute strength, and in-sport performance.

The Bands & The Conjugate System cycle provides athletes with upper and lower body band exercises sequenced correctly to avoid accommodation and maintain adequate recovery rates. Expected training outcomes include increased absolute strength for both the upper and lower body, increased explosive power for the upper and lower body, and improved overall muscle size.

Sample Session

General Warm-up

GHR vs minibands, 5 x AMRAP
Sled Pulls, 12 x 20 yards
KB Swings, 3 x 20-25 reps
Band Face Pulls, 4 x 15-20 reps 

Dynamic Effort - Lower Body

Bow Bar Box Squat, 5 x 5 @ 60% + 25% bands
Giant Cambered Bar Good Mornings (vs. minibands), 5 x 5 reps
Romanian Deadlifts, 4 x 8-10 reps
Reverse Hyper, 4 x 15-20 reps
GHR Sit-ups (vs. minibands), 5 x 20-25 reps 

Dynamic Effort - Upper Body

Football Bar Speed Bench, 8 x 3 @ 55% + minibands
Standing DB Overhead Press, 4 x 8-10 reps
Pendlay Rows, 5 x 5 reps
DB Rollbacks, 5 x 8 reps
DB Bicep Curls, 3 x 12 reps
DB Lateral Raises, 3 x 12 reps
Band Tricep Pressdowns, 3 x AMRAP

Gear Specs


  • Digital eBook / Program exclusively for BTWB App
  • From the methodology of Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell
  • Program Length: 8 Weeks
  • Includes photo and video demonstrations


What will I get?

What will I get?

After purchasing the Westside Bands and The Conjugate program from Rogue, customers will be able to schedule the program into their calendar on the BTWB App. If you don’t already have the app, purchasing this program will give you 10 weeks of full access. BTWB will also provide a downloadable eBook version of the program, via e-mail, which is the customer’s to keep and revisit for all time. 

BTWB Access

BTWB Access

From the BTWB App, users can customize many aspects of the program, including the number of sessions they want to complete each week, as well as which days those sessions land on. If the entire program isn’t completed the first time through, users can jump back in at any time where they left off. 

More on Beyond the Whiteboard and Westside Barbell

Fitness is a journey. With btwb, you can plan, log, and analyze your results all in one place. Keep track of PRs, workout history, find a program, track your macros, earn badges and more! The BTWB App is also the official training app of the Rogue Invitational and of 2x “Fittest Man on Earth” Justin Medeiros.

Westside Barbell is a world-renowned strength training facility based out of Columbus, Ohio. Founded by the late powerlifter and strength coaching legend Louie Simmons, Westside has helped pioneer new, innovative training methods that have repeatedly produced some of the strongest men and women in the world.

PLEASE NOTE: The programming will be accessible after purchase. An e-mail confirmation will also be sent (be sure to check Spam folder if it does not appear). This is a digital cycle and NOT a physical book.

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