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Varied Not Random - Back Squat Capacity

Varied Not Random - Back Squat Capacity

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Product Description

The “Varied Not Random” Back Squat Capacity program from BTWB is a linear progression program designed to help athletes increase their Back Squat 5 Rep Max. This movement builds the foundation for the power generation required in just about every sport, and leads to key physical gains in the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Additionally, improving your back squat can positively impact other simple movements (like the Air Squat), as well as more dynamic movements (like the Clean and Snatch). 

Over 17 sessions of the Back Squat Capacity program, VNR coaches Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman guide the athlete on a linear loading progression; starting light and slowly building to heavier weights. The goal is to increase overall strength AND your strength endurance by utilizing a 5-5-ME (max effort up to 10 reps) scheme. Users begin the program by finding their current Back Squat 5RM, with the opportunity of adding 10, 20, or even 30 pounds to that number. The program is self-paced, meaning it can be a focused part of one’s training or supplementary. BTWB recommends 2 to 3 sessions a week for 6-9 weeks. Links to demonstration videos are provided to help along the way.


In a word, YES. The back squat is a functional movement, and this program is the perfect introduction to strength training for beginners. It can also benefit the experienced lifter looking for some structure to help squeeze out those extra 1% gains.

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BTWB Back Squat Capacity Program - Varied Not Random Programs

The “Varied Not Random” Back Squat Capacity program from BTWB is a linear progression program designed to help athletes increase their Back Squat 5 Rep Max. This movement builds the foundation for the power generation required in just about every sport, and leads to key physical gains in the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Additionally, improving your back squat can positively impact other simple movements (like the Air Squat), as well as more dynamic movements (like the Clean and Snatch). 

Over 17 sessions of the Back Squat Capacity program, VNR coaches Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman guide the athlete on a linear loading progression; starting light and slowly building to heavier weights. The goal is to increase overall strength AND your strength endurance by utilizing a 5-5-ME (max effort up to 10 reps) scheme. Users begin the program by finding their current Back Squat 5RM, with the opportunity of adding 10, 20, or even 30 pounds to that number. The program is self-paced, meaning it can be a focused part of one’s training or supplementary. BTWB recommends 2 to 3 sessions a week for 6-9 weeks. Links to demonstration videos are provided to help along the way.

Am I Ready?

In a word, YES. The back squat is a functional movement, and this program is the perfect introduction to strength training for beginners. It can also benefit the experienced lifter looking for some structure to help squeeze out those extra 1% gains.

Sample Session


Bike/Row/Jog, 4 mins or Jump Rope, 2 mins

-- then --

2 rounds of:

10 Squat Thoracic Rotations
10 Bootstrappers
10 Band Kang Squats
10 Band Squats
10 Pause Jump Squats
10 Wall Squats

-- then --

2x5 Tempo Back Squats, 45/35 lbs (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, 3 secs up)
5 Pause Back Squats, 25% starting load (3 secs active in bottom)
3 Back Squats, 50% starting load
3 Back Squats, 75% starting load


Back Squat 5-5-ME

Use the same weight for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Gear Specs


  • VNR Digital eBook / Program exclusively for BTWB App
  • From Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman
  • Program Length: 17 sessions / 6-9 weeks
  • Weekly Theme Videos + Demonstration Videos for all Movements


What will I get?

What will I get?

After purchasing the Back Squat Capacity program from Rogue, customers will be able to schedule the program into their calendar on the BTWB App. If you don’t already have the app, purchasing this program will give you 10 weeks of full access. BTWB will also provide a downloadable eBook version of the program, via e-mail, which is the customer’s to keep and revisit for all time.

BTWB Access

BTWB Access

From the BTWB App, users can customize many aspects of the program, including the number of sessions they want to complete each week, as well as which days those sessions land on. If the entire program isn’t completed the first time through, users can jump back in at any time where they left off. 

More on Beyond the Whiteboard and Varied Not Random

Fitness is a journey. With btwb, you can plan, log, and analyze your results all in one place. Keep track of PRs, workout history, find a program, track your macros, earn badges and more! The BTWB App is also the official training app of the Rogue Invitational and of 2x “Fittest Man on Earth” Justin Medeiros.

BTWB’s Varied Not Random (VNR) series provides a wide variety of programs designed to help all athletes of all levels, from beginner to advanced, work on and improve specific areas of their fitness. Each program is meticulously designed by an expert in their field, and can be customized and scheduled seamlessly into the BTWB App.

PLEASE NOTE: The programming will be accessible after purchase. An e-mail confirmation will also be sent (be sure to check Spam folder if it does not appear). This is a digital cycle and NOT a physical book.

Iron Game Programming is not yet available for purchase in the following countriesAlbania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine.

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