Varied Not Random - Clean 1RM

Varied Not Random - Clean 1RM

Product Description
The “Varied Not Random” Clean 1RM program from BTWB delivers 18 expertly-crafted training sessions to help athletes develop greater strength, power, and speed on each of the Clean’s three pulls. Curated by the VNR coaching team of Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman, this program can be combined with the Jerk 1RM program to level up your full Clean & Jerk. As a prerequisite, the user should have experience and familiarity with the points of performance for the Clean.
The Clean 1RM program is catered to each individual athlete, beginning with a test of the individual’s starting ability so as to gauge their progress over the ensuing weeks. Each session includes a warm-up and 3 pieces consisting of squats (front squat and back squat), clean variations, barbell complexes, deadlifts, and jumping drills. You’ll use percentages of your starting 1 Rep Max each training session, and those percentages will increase as you get closer to the end. Tutorials from Pat and Boz will help you to maintain proper technique and form along the way.
Because it’s self-paced, athletes can use the Clean 1RM program as a central focus or to supplement their current fitness routine. BTWB recommends completing at least 3 sessions per week to complete the program within 6 weeks.
Before starting this program, BTWB recommends that you’re already able to complete the clean with proper form. Experience and familiarity with the movement are highly recommended. These prerequisites are critical to your safety and success in the program.
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BTWB Clean 1RM Program - Varied Not Random Programs
The “Varied Not Random” Clean 1RM program from BTWB delivers 18 expertly-crafted training sessions to help athletes develop greater strength, power, and speed on each of the Clean’s three pulls. Curated by the VNR coaching team of Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman, this program can be combined with the Jerk 1RM program to level up your full Clean & Jerk. As a prerequisite, the user should have experience and familiarity with the points of performance for the Clean.
The Clean 1RM program is catered to each individual athlete, beginning with a test of the individual’s starting ability so as to gauge their progress over the ensuing weeks. Each session includes a warm-up and 3 pieces consisting of squats (front squat and back squat), clean variations, barbell complexes, deadlifts, and jumping drills. You’ll use percentages of your starting 1 Rep Max each training session, and those percentages will increase as you get closer to the end. Tutorials from Pat and Boz will help you to maintain proper technique and form along the way.
Because it’s self-paced, athletes can use the Clean 1RM program as a central focus or to supplement their current fitness routine. BTWB recommends completing at least 3 sessions per week to complete the program within 6 weeks.
Am I Ready?
Before starting this program, BTWB recommends that you’re already able to complete the clean with proper form. Experience and familiarity with the movement are highly recommended. These prerequisites are critical to your safety and success in the program.
Sample Session
2 rounds of:
Bike, 2 mins
100 Jump Ropes
20 Air Squats
15 Bar Muscle Cleans
Part 1:
Back Squat 10x2 at 70% 1RM
Extra Instructions
Ten sets with 70% of your back squat 1RM gives the opportunity to accumulate some volume with moderate load. Fast out of the hole and carry that speed through the middle of the rep. Stay balanced and brace tight.
Part 2:
Block Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2
Extra Instructions
Use 60% 1RM Clean (or more)
Blocks should be set so that the bar sits just above the knee. That's typically around 12-14 inches for most people but can be adjusted per individual. Concentrate on being explosive through the hips, receiving the bar in a solid quarter squat and bracing tightly.
*If you don't have blocks, perform a hang clean at just above the knee instead.
Part 3:
Box Jump : 5x10
Extra Instructions
You'll perform box jumps various times throughout this program. The goal is to improve explosiveness. Pick a height that is challenging but doable.
Gear Specs
- VNR Digital eBook / Program exclusively for BTWB App
- From Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman
- Program Length: 18 sessions / 6-9 weeks
- Weekly Theme Videos + Demonstration Videos for all Movements
What will I get?
After purchasing the Clean 1RM program from Rogue, customers will be able to schedule the program into their calendar on the BTWB App. If you don’t already have the app, purchasing this program will give you 10 weeks of full access. BTWB will also provide a downloadable eBook version of the program, via e-mail, which is the customer’s to keep and revisit for all time.
BTWB Access
From the BTWB App, users can customize many aspects of the program, including the number of sessions they want to complete each week, as well as which days those sessions land on. If the entire program isn’t completed the first time through, users can jump back in at any time where they left off.
More on Beyond the Whiteboard and Varied Not Random
Fitness is a journey. With btwb, you can plan, log, and analyze your results all in one place. Keep track of PRs, workout history, find a program, track your macros, earn badges and more! The BTWB App is also the official training app of the Rogue Invitational and of 2x “Fittest Man on Earth” Justin Medeiros.
BTWB’s Varied Not Random (VNR) series provides a wide variety of programs designed to help all athletes of all levels, from beginner to advanced, work on and improve specific areas of their fitness. Each program is meticulously designed by an expert in their field, and can be customized and scheduled seamlessly into the BTWB App.
PLEASE NOTE: The programming will be accessible after purchase. An e-mail confirmation will also be sent (be sure to check Spam folder if it does not appear). This is a digital cycle and NOT a physical book.
Iron Game Programming is not yet available for purchase in the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine.