1000LB Club Challenge

1000LB Club Challenge
Challenge Starts: 1/1/2025
Challenge Ends: No Scheduled End Date
Challenge Overview
Select your target weight tier, find your max cumulative total for the following three lifts in this order, in one hour:
- 1 Rep Max Bench Press
- 1 Rep Max Back Squat
- 1 Rep Max Deadlift
Target Weight Division Tiers:
- 500LB - 749LB (227kg - 339kg)
- 750LB - 999LB (340kg - 453kg)
- 1000LB - 1249LB (454kg - 566kg)
- 1250LB - 1499LB (567kg - 679kg)
- 1500LB + (680kg +)
Time: Athletes have a 1 hour time cap to complete the three lifts
* 1 Hour clock begins just before the first bench press attempt and does not include time to show competition gear to the camera as outlined below
* This challenge is not part of the overall Rogue Challenge competition. No points are awarded on the overall leaderboard and there are no cash prizes for this challenge
Athletes that submit and have their score accepted by the judges at any point during the challenge will earn the custom t-shirt
* Rejected scores and athletes that do not follow all posted rules are not eligible to earn a shirt.
Included in your challenge registration is a 30 day free BTWB trial. Competitors can submit and edit their score on BTWB as many times as they would like in the first 30 days of their paid registration. After the trial period has expired, competitors will need to sign up for a 30 day BTWB subscription to edit/submit any new scores. Competitors that already have an ongoing paid BTWB subscription will not need to sign up for the additional 30 day BTWB trial.
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A $30 entry fee gets you into the competition. Once you have completed your challenge attempt, submit your scores and video evidence.
Select your target weight tier, find your max cumulative total for the following three lifts in this order, in one hour:
- 1 Rep Max Bench Press
- 1 Rep Max Back Squat
- 1 Rep Max Deadlift
Target Weight Division Tiers:
- 500LB - 749LB (227kg - 339kg)
- 750LB - 999LB (340kg - 453kg)
- 1000LB - 1249LB (454kg - 566kg)
- 1250LB - 1499LB (567kg - 679kg)
- 1500LB + (680kg +)
Time: Athletes have a 1 hour time cap to complete the three lifts
* 1 Hour clock begins just before the first bench press attempt and does not include time to show competition gear to the camera as outlined below
* This challenge is not part of the overall Rogue Challenge competition. No points are awarded on the overall leaderboard and there are no cash prizes for this challenge
Athletes that submit and have their score accepted by the judges at any point during the challenge will earn the custom t-shirt
* Rejected scores and athletes that do not follow all posted rules are not eligible to earn a shirt.
Included in your challenge registration is a 30 day free BTWB trial. Competitors can submit and edit their score on BTWB as many times as they would like in the first 30 days of their paid registration. After the trial period has expired, competitors will need to sign up for a 30 day BTWB subscription to edit/submit any new scores. Competitors that already have an ongoing paid BTWB subscription will not need to sign up for the additional 30 day BTWB trail.
Start Date & Time: January 1st, 2025
Close Date & Time: No Scheduled End Date
When you are ready to begin your challenge, follow the steps outlined below:
Step 1: Review
- Read through all rules, movement standards and video requirements posted on each tab on https://www.roguefitness.com/1000lb-club-challenge-registration
- Review the challenge FAQ page that has helpful step by step instructions and visuals for how to submit your score at https://www.roguefitness.com/challenges/faqs
Step 2: Choose Your Target Weight Tier and Register
- Register on roguefitness.com
- If you have a BTWB account, you must checkout using the same email address that is tied to your BTWB account so it will automatically link your 1000LB Club registration in your app.
- If you are new to BTWB and do not have an account, a free 30 day account will automatically be created for you. You will receive an email titled "Rogue Purchase: New BTWB Account!" that will walk you through finalizing your BTWB account.
Step 3: Compete
- Complete the challenge following all rules, movement standards and video submission requirements
- For those competing in a group setting, please see the special rules section titled "Gyms/Competitors Competing Group Settings" in the rules PDF and on the website that outlines steps for how to complete the challenge.
Step 4: Submit Your Score
- Submit your scores and Youtube video links in the BTWB app
- Your score should appear on the leaderboard on roguefitness.com within 30 minutes of submitting it on BTWB if done properly
- Scores that do not have the required video links will be automatically rejected
Step 5: Judging and The T-Shirt
- After the judges have had a chance to review the submitted score, athlete's will receive a ruling email stating if their score has been accepted or rejected with a reason why.
- Once the judges accepted your scores and videos, your earned t-shirt will be processed and added to your earned store for you to redeem.
* Athletes will receive an email once the t-shirt has become available to redeem.
* For instructions on how to access your earned store, please see the 1000LB FAQ page here.
* Rejected entries will not receive a t-shirt.
*Competitors can submit a new score if the first score is rejected.
* T-shirts are only earned by following all rules, movement standards and video submission requirements. Scores without video evidence will not be accepted.
* Athlete's may change divisions using the drop down menu in the challenge screen on the BTWB app if they choose to go for a different tier then what they register for.
* Athlete's that submit a total weight outside of their selected division will be automatically moved to the correct tier by our judging team.
* T-shirts will be shipped after they are redeemed in the earned store following a accepted score by our judging staff.
* This Rogue Challenge is not part of the overall Rogue Challenge competition and no points are awarded on the overall challenge leaderboard.
* Normal taxes and shipping rates apply for the t-shirt if it is earned by meeting all requirements listed below. Competitor will be billed separate for these charges once they qualify for a t-shirt.
* Competitors are not eligible for refunds for rejected scores as a result of not following rules, movement standards or on-time score submissions.
* One t-shirt per paid $30.00 entry fee.
Equipment Needed
EQUIPMENT Needed To Qualify:
- White tape to mark bench grip width press standard
- A cell phone or Ipad with live connection to Time.is or similar type programs proving time/date on your device
- Standard 15kg (35LB) or 20kg (45LB) Barbell
* Any style barbell is permitted including deadlift bars, power bars etc - speciality barbells are not, see below
* Shaft will need tape marks at 81 cm (31.9") apart to show the approved maximum hand placement width
* If you have questions about whether your barbell will be accepted, please email judging@roguefitness.com - Weight Plates with the weight clearly marked
* Max of 18" (45 cm) diameter
* Minimum plate increments of 1LB or 0.5kg per side - Squat rack for the back squat and the bench press
- Bench for bench press
- Barbell Collars
- Recommended: 10' x 10' clear unobstructed area in which to lift, with no other equipment in the space apart from the bar and plates the athlete will use during their attempts
- Rogue brand gear is not required
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym Chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weightlifting Belt
- Knee/Elbow Sleeves (single or pairs)
* Note: Knees and elbows must remain visible to the camera and not covered by long shorts or sleeves during attempts - Wrist Supports/Wraps
- Olympic Lifting Singlet
- Talcum powder
- Mouthguards
- Recommended: Shoes of any style (not required)
NOT Permitted Equipment:
- Tacky of any kind
- Wedges or anything to elevate the heels
- Hand Grips of any kind including liquid grip
- Gloves or any type of hand, forearm or bicep coverings
- Sticky Adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body, or bar (including spray or other)
- Multiple layers of sleeves/wraps on top of each other
- Lifting Straps of any kind
- Knee Wraps or Elbow Wraps
- Any multi-ply suits including deadlift or powerlifting suits
- Long sleeve pants/shorts that cover the knees/elbows
- Mono lift
- Smith Machines
- Any pads or additional support added to the barbell for the back squat
- Specialty barbells including safety squat bars, trap bars etc.
* If you have questions about whether your barbell will be accepted, please email judging@roguefitness.com
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Flow & Movements
The lifts will be performed in the following sequence, bench press, back squat and deadlift.
Lift 1: The Bench Press:
- Athlete loads the bar to the initial weight, showing each weight being added clearly to the camera
* Tape marks on barbell shaft showing max hand placement must be visible (81 cm, 31.9") - Once the bar is loaded, athlete verbally declares initial weight
- Athlete shows camera no illegal supportive equipment is being used
- Show time/date device to the camera to confirm all 3 lifts take place within one hour of each other
* The 1 hour time window starts at this step - Complete lift - athlete must touch the chest and fully extend the arms - full movement standards above
- If adding weight for multiple attempts clearly show all equipment being added to the camera
- Verbally confirm new load
Lift 2: The Back Squat:
- Show time/date device to the camera to confirm all 3 lifts take place within one hour of each other
- Athlete loads the bar to the initial weight, showing each weight being added clearly to the camera
* Bar should already be in the rack - Once the bar is loaded, athlete verbally declares initial weight
- Athlete shows camera no illegal supportive equipment is being used
- Complete lift - athlete must hit depth and stand to full extension - full movement standards above
- If adding weight for multiple attempts clearly show all equipment being added to the camera
- Verbally confirm new load
Lift 3: The Deadlift
- Show time/date device to the camera to confirm all 3 lifts take place within one hour of each other
- Athlete loads the bar to the initial weight, showing each weight being added clearly to the camera
- Once the bar is loaded, athlete verbally declares initial weight
- Athlete shows camera no illegal supportive equipment is being used
- Complete lift - athlete must stand to full extension - full movement standards above
- If adding weight for multiple attempts clearly show all equipment being added to the camera
- Verbally confirm new load
* The athlete may add or subtract weight from the bar working toward their max load and repeat the flow listed above.
* The athlete may make as many attempts at each movement as they would like
* Additional personnel may be used to add/deduct weight from the barbell.
The lifts will be performed in the following sequence, Bench Press, Back Squat and Deadlift
Bench Press:
A spotter/assistant to help lift the bar out of the rack is strongly recommended but NOT required. Spotters may help to assist with taking the bar out of the rack to the starting position with the athletes arms fully extended and the bar fully supported over the chest by the athlete. Once the assistant lets go of the bar at the starting position, they may not touch the bar again until helping to re-rack when the lift is done.
- The acceptable body position for the one repetition is as follows:
* Both complete shoulder blades and the glutes must be in contact with the bench pad at all times. If either comes off of the pad during a lift, the lift will not count.
* In order to achieve firm footing, lifter may have plates or blocks under their feet. If either foot comes off of the floor or plates during a lift the lift will not count.
* Hooking of feet/legs around the bench supports is not permitted.
* Per IPF standards, the spacing of the hands can not exceed 81 cm (31.9") measured between the index fingers. The maximum grip width permitted will have each index finger on or inside the 81 cm (31.9") marks at each end of the bar shaft. If the hands move outside of the designated markings during a lift attempt that single repetition will not be counted.
* These lines need to be clearly marked and visible on the barbell shaft with chalk. Failure to have these lines clearly marked and visible makes the athletes score subject to penalty at the judge's discretion.
* Both hands must remain on the barbell during the entire repetition and must remain within in contact with the markings at all times. - When the athlete has full unassisted control of the barbell extended over their chest after the initial unrack, they may begin their attempt by lowering the bar to the chest. There must be clear contact with the chest. Once contact has been made the athlete will then press the bar back to the starting position with the elbows clearly extended and the bar over the chest. Once the arms are fully extended, the athlete must show a pause to demonstrate full control prior to reracking the barbell.
- Deliberately bouncing the barbell off the chest may be interpreted as trying to gain an unfair advantage and could result in a penalty being assessed.
Back Squat:
Barbell begins in the squat rack.
- The barbell must be unracked from the squat rack without assistance.
- After unracking the bar the athlete must step back to begin the squat.
- The athlete must squat to a depth BELOW PARALLEL where the hip crease is clearly below the top of the knee with the barbell controlled in a back rack position.
* High or Low Bar positions are both acceptable - The athlete must then stand, without assistance to a position where the knees and hips are fully extended with the barbell supported in the back rack position.
- The athlete must rerack the barbell without assistance to complete the lift.
- Ensure that spotting bars / straps do not block the view required to verify the movement standards required for the back squat - to a depth clearly below parallel.
Barbell begins on the floor.
- This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside of the knees (Sumo Deadlift is not permitted).
- Any style of grip is allowed.
- The bar is lifted to the finishing position where the hips and knees are fully extended with the head and shoulders behind the bar.
- Once the athlete reaches the required finishing position they will lower the barbell to the ground while maintaining control of the bar. Dropping the bar is NOT allowed.
Any athlete who alters/modifies the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition if deemed by the head judges to give an unfair advantage.
Bench Press Standards
Competitors may perform this challenge in a group setting. Groups completing the challenge together can modify the video standards based to follow the guidelines here:
- Start the video by introducing everyone that will be taking part in the challenge, stating name and division
- Show all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measure the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required gear regardless of equipment brand used.
- Keep date/time displayed in the background during the entire session or have each person show the time/date prior to each attempt
- Before each lift the individual attempting the lift should show the camera the date/time and state their name and weight to be attempted to the camera.
- When submitting your score, athlete's needs to add in the notes field the time in the video of their attempt so the judges can easily find the attempt to view/judge
- During your score submission, please be sure to include the gym name for where you performed the challenge
For this challenge, athletes should submit 3 separate videos. 1 video for each movement. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound maybe on or off. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
NOTE: The athletes first video (bench press) has the added step of showing all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measuring the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required regardless of brand that will be used for the entire challenge.
This video should be shot from at a 45 degree angle to the athlete ensuring that the video clearly shows the entire body. Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Showing all equipment and weight markings on the equipment, and showing the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell
- Clearly show to the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift, and state the load to be attempted
- Clearly show the lift so that movement standards can be verified
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted bench press video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the challenge name, "bench press attempt", and showing the date and time.
- The camera should then clearly show all equipment to be used for the challenge and measure the bench press width standard. All of the following must be shown:
* Barbell(s), to include end caps
- Using the tape measure, the athlete should measure the pre-marked 81 cm (31.9"") finger marks on the barbell shaft confirming it meets the requirements listed in the movement standards above.
- It is recommended that these finger marks be pre-marked before filming begins.
* All weight plates that will be used in their attempt.
- Both sides of the plates
- Plates need to clearly have the weights printed on them, and both sides must be displayed to the camera
- The camera should then show the bar being racked for the first bench press attempt
* The bar may be racked before the video begins
* Clearly show to the camera the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift
* Once loaded, verbally confirm the load to be attempted to the camera, ensuring the video can confirm this load
* A coach or helper can assist with this process - The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the challenge to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- The athlete must open their time device and clearly show the time and date reading to the camera. Please verbally confirm the date and time showing.
* At this time, the athlete's 1 hour time window to complete the challenge begins - The camera should move back into the correct 45 degree filming angle for the challenge attempt.
* The final position should capture all movement standards to be able to verify the lift, refer to the movement standards above - Once the athlete is ready they may begin their lift based on the criteria outlined above.
- If changing the load and completing multiple attempts;
* Clearly show all weights being added/removed to the camera for each attempt
* Verbally confirm loads being added/removed
* Verbally confirm new load to be attempted
* A coach or help can assist with this process
- Once final lift is completed show and confirm last successful load lifted.
- The bench press video may then conclude.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judge's discretion.
* Refer to the demo video on the Rogue website for a visual for how the workout and video should flow.
Back Squat Standards
Competitors may perform this challenge in a group setting. Groups completing the challenge together can modify the video standards based to follow the guidelines here:
- Start the video by introducing everyone that will be taking part in the challenge, stating name and division
- Show all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measure the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required gear regardless of equipment brand used.
- Keep date/time displayed in the background during the entire session or have each person show the time/date prior to each attempt
- Before each lift the individual attempting the lift should show the camera the date/time and state their name and weight to be attempted to the camera.
- When submitting your score, athlete's needs to add in the notes field the time in the video of their attempt so the judges can easily find the attempt to view/judge
- During your score submission, please be sure to include the gym name for where you performed the challenge
For this challenge, athletes should submit 3 separate videos. 1 video for each movement. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound maybe on or off. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
NOTE: The athletes first video (bench press) has the added step of showing all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measuring the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required regardless of brand that will be used for the entire challenge.
This video should be shot from at a 45 degree angle to the athlete ensuring that the video clearly shows the entire body. Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Clearly show to the camera the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift, and state the load to be attempted
- Clearly show the lift so that movement standards can be verified
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the challenge name and "back squat attempt".
- The athlete must open their time device and clearly show the time and date reading to the camera. Please verbally confirm the date and time showing.
* This step is to confirm the athlete is still within their 1 hour time window
- The camera should then show the bar being racked and the load of the first lift being loaded onto the bar.
* The bar may be racked before the video begins
* Clearly show to the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift
* Once loaded, verbally confirm the load to be attempted to the camera, ensuring the video can confirm this load
* A coach or helper can assist with this process
- The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the challenge to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- The camera should move back into the correct 45 degree filming angle for the challenge attempt.
* The final position should capture all movement standards to be able to verify the lift, refer to the movement standards above.
* Ensure that spotting bars / straps do not block the view required to verify the movement standards required for the back squat - to a depth clearly below parallel.
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin their lift based on the criteria outlined above.
* The final position should capture all movement standards to be able to verify the lift, refer to the movement standards above
- If changing the load and completing multiple attempts;
* Clearly show all weights being added/removed to the camera for each attempt
* Verbally confirm loads being added/removed
* Verbally confirm new load to be attempted
* A coach or help can assist with this process - Once final lift is completed show and confirm last successful load lifted.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judge's discretion.
* Refer to the demo video on the Rogue website for a visual for how the workout and video should flow.
Deadlift Standards
Competitors may perform this challenge in a group setting. Groups completing the challenge together can modify the video standards based to follow the guidelines here:
- Start the video by introducing everyone that will be taking part in the challenge, stating name and division
- Show all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measure the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required gear regardless of equipment brand used.
- Keep date/time displayed in the background during the entire session or have each person show the time/date prior to each attempt
- Before each lift the individual attempting the lift should show the camera the date/time and state their name and weight to be attempted to the camera.
- When submitting your score, athlete's needs to add in the notes field the time in the video of their attempt so the judges can easily find the attempt to view/judge
- During your score submission, please be sure to include the gym name for where you performed the challenge
For this challenge, athletes should submit 3 separate videos. 1 video for each movement. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound maybe on or off. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
NOTE: The athletes first video (bench press) has the added step of showing all equipment and weight markings on the equipment clearly to the camera, and measuring the bench press width standard on the bench press barbell, required regardless of brand that will be used for the entire challenge.
This video should be shot from at a 45 degree angle to the athlete ensuring that the video clearly shows the entire body. Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Clearly show to the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift, and state the load to be attempted
- Clearly show the lift so that movement standards can be verified
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the challenge name and "deadlift attempt".
- The athlete must open their time device and clearly show the time and date reading to the camera. Please verbally confirm the date and time showing.
* This step is to confirm the athlete is still within their 1 hour time window
- The camera should then show the bar being loaded for their first lift attempt.
* Clearly show the camera the weight being added to the barbell for each lift
* Once loaded, verbally confirm the load to be attempted to the camera, ensuring the video can confirm this load
* A coach or helper can assist with this process
- The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the challenge to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- The camera should move back into the correct 45 degree filming angle for the challenge attempt.
* The final position should capture all movement standards to be able to verify the lift, refer to the movement standards above
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin their lift based on the criteria outlined above.
- If changing the load and completing multiple attempts;
* Clearly show all weights being added/removed to the camera for each attempt
* Verbally confirm loads being added/removed
* Verbally confirm new load to be attempted
* A coach or help can assist with this process - Once final lift is completed show and confirm last successful load lifted.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judge's discretion.
* Refer to the demo video on the Rogue website for a visual for how the workout and video should flow.
Challenge Leaderboard
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