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The Squataroo Challenge

Sept 15th AT 9AM EST - Sept 25 AT 8PM EST

Max repetition, unbroken body weight back squats immediately followed by three attempts to find your max broad jump.
     * Each repetition of the back squat will add an additional 0.5 inch to the longest measured broad jump
     * The longest calculated broad jump wins

See info below for official standards and to register. A $10 entry fee gets you into the competition; $30 gets you entry + an official Rogue Challenge t-shirt. Once you’ve completed your challenge attempt, submit your time and video evidence using the instructions in the Beyond the White Board app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!


RX MALE Max Unbroken Backsquat Reps

1st PlaceCustom Ohio Bar


1st Place$2500
2nd Place$1000
3rd Place$500

RX FEMALE Max Unbroken Backsquat Reps

1st PlaceCustom Bella Bar

RX FEMALE OVerall Winner 14 and Over

1st Place$2500
2nd Place$1000
3rd Place$500


Total RX and Scaled entries per gym

1st PlaceCustom 20kg or 15kg Barbell
2nd PlaceCustom 20kg or 15kg Barbell
3rd PlaceCustom 20kg or 15kg Barbell

The Squataroo CHALLENGE


Max repetition, unbroken body weight back squats immediately followed by three attempts to find your max broad jump.
     * Each repetition of the back squat will add an additional 0.5 inch to the longest measured broad jump
     * The longest calculated broad jump wins

A. Minutes 0-5
     Complete max reps of a single unbroken set of back squats

B. Minutes 5:30 - 6:00
     Complete first broad jump attempt

C. Minutes 6:00 - 6:30
     Complete second broad jump attempt

D. Minutes 6:30 - 7:00
     Complete third broad jump attempt

Men: Back Squat load
          RX: 100% Bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 5 LB increment
          Scaled: 75% of body weight, rounded to the nearest 5 LB increment

Female: Back Squat load
          RX: 100% of bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 5 LB increment
          Scaled: 75% of bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 5 LB increment

Tie breaker: Longest Broad Jump

Note: Athletes may make as many attempts during their challenge video as they would like. Video submissions may not exceed 20 minutes in length.


Challenge Start Date & Time: September 15th at 9 AM Eastern Time
Challenge Close Date & Time: September 25th at 8 PM Eastern Time
* Scores cannot be updated or added to the leaderboard following the competition close date and time. Please allow sufficient time for completing and submitting your score and video in advance.


* Scores will display in reps and "feet, inches" on the final leaderboard
* Broad jump distance should be formatted and submitted using feet and inches.
     * Inches may include 2 decimal places if needed
     * Example: 5', 4.35"
* Final score will be automatically calculated for the athlete upon submission in BTWB.
     * Max broad jump distance + .5" per successful back squat rep
* Minimum work requirement = 1 back squat at body weight and 1 broad jump
* Plate weights should be calculated/submitted based on the weights listed on the plate, not scale readings (if applicable)


Men - ages 14 and over
Women - ages 14 and over

Men - ages 14 and over
Women - ages 14 and over
To be considered as a competitor, the athlete must register for the challenge at and follow all workout and video flows as outlined.


  • Timer, visible in frame (This can be a gym timer, a phone with the timer feature up, or a stopwatch)
  • Digital Weight Scale to confirm equipment to be used for your workout, and athlete bodyweight (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
  • Dumbbell or Kettlebell for validating the scale
  • Tape measure to measure floor layout and record broad jump attempts
  • Floor tape to mark broad jump
  • Weight Plates with the weight clearly marked
    • Max of 18" diameter
    • Minimum plate increments of 2.5LB per side
  • Standard 15kg/25 mm (35 LB) or 20kg/28.5 mm (45 LB) barbell
    • Center Knurling is permitted
  • Barbell collars
  • Squat Rack
  • Recommended: 15' x 15' clear unobstructed area in which to conduct the workout
  • Rogue brand gear is not required

Permitted Equipment:
  • Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
  • Weightlifting belt
  • Knee/elbow sleeves (single or pairs)
  • Wrist supports/wraps
  • Shoes in any style must be worn

Not Permitted Equipment:
  • Liquid chalk
  • Tacky of any kind
  • Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
  • Braces of any kind
  • Gloves or any type of hand or forearm coverings
  • Grip shirts
  • Tape of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell
  • Sticky adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell including spray• Super Suits, support briefs, or other supportive gear
  • Knee or elbow wraps
  • Long sleeve shirts of any kind
  • Monolift
  • Specialty barbells including safety squat bars, trap bars etc.
    • If you have questions about whether your barbell will be accepted, please email


The workout begins with the athlete standing next to the barbell which is preloaded and in the squat rack

  • The camera should be positioned to clearly show the movement standards required
  • Athlete may not touch the bar prior to the clock starting

ON 3-2-1-Go the timer will start to count up and the athlete can approach the bar and start back squatting - false starts will be penalised:

  • The athlete must have the barbell in the back rack position (low or high bar back squat allowed)
  • The athlete must meet all requirements as outlined in the movement standards for a successful rep
  • The athlete must stand to full extension as per the movement standards for the repetition to count
  • Athlete will have 5 minutes to accumulate max reps of an unbroken back squat set at bodyweight
  • If the athlete reracks the bar at any time during the five minute window the set will be over

At 5 minutes on the clock or when their unbroken set is completed the athlete will rest until the first broad jump time

  • Unfinished reps at the 5 minute mark will not count towards total reps

At 5:30 on the clock the athlete will make their first attempt Broad Jump

  • Refer to movement standards on how to measure

At 6:00 on the clock the athlete will make their second attempt Broad Jump

At 6:30 on the clock the athlete will make their third and final attempt broad jump

After the final broad jump and after all measurements have been clearly shown on the video submission, the challenge is complete

If the athlete is going for another attempt during the same video:

  • Athlete should clean the floor of all previous markings
  • Follow the flow above
  • Athletes may make as many attempts during their video as they would like. Video submissions may not exceed 20 minutes in length.


An approved workout will consist of the following movements:


  • Barbell begins in the squat rack.
  • After unracking the bar the athlete must step back to begin the squat
  • The athlete must squat to a depth where the hip crease is clearly below the top of the knee with the barbell controlled in a back rack position
  • High or low bar positions are both acceptable
  • The athlete must then stand to a position where the knees and hips are fully extended with the barbell supported in the back rack position
  • The athlete must rerack the barbell once the set has been completed
  • The athlete will have five minutes to complete one unbroken set of back squats
    • Any squat completed outside the five minute window will not count
  • Each rep in the unbroken back squat set adds 0.5 inches to the farthest broad jump length


Athlete begins behind the start tape line

  • The athlete will have 90 seconds to complete 3 attempts at the Broad Jump
  • The athlete will complete a two footed broad jump for max distance.
  • The distance between the start line and back of the closest heel will be the measured distance
    • The athlete or a helper should mark the heel location using tape or chalk after each of the three jumps
    • The farthest broad jump distance will be the submitted score
  • The athlete must "stick" the landing, stepping back, forwards, or placing a hand(s) on the floor will result as a no rep
  • If the feet land staggered, the measurement will be taken from the closest heel to the start line.

See the challenge instructional video at for a visual example of the prescribed movements.

Any athlete who alters/modifies the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition if deemed by the head judges to give an unfair advantage.


All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound should be ON during the filming. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.

The video should be shot from at a 45 degree angle to the athlete ensuring that the video clearly shows the entire body. Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:

  1. Scale verification and the weighing of all equipment to be used, regardless of brand
  2. Weighing of the athlete and then verifying the correct weight is on the back squat barbell
  3. Full height of the athlete filmed at an angle to ensure the squat movement standards can be clearly seen
  4. Full floor space to show the broad jump standards and all measurements clear and accurately on the video

Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:

  1. The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the challenge name, and their division.
  2. The camera should then clearly show all equipment the athlete will use during their challenge. All of the following must be shown:
    • Barbell, to include end caps
    • All weights that are to be used in the challenge - both sides
      • Plates need to clearly have the weights printed on them
    • The visible tape line/jump line for the broad jump attempts
    • All gear should stay in camera shot during the entire challenge attempt
  3. Scale verification. The athlete must place a kettlebell or dumbbell onto a scale and show the scale reading is correct
    • The weight of the kettlebell or dumbbell must be shown/visible to the camera
    • The correct scale reading while the object is on the scale must be shown/visible to the camera
  4. The athlete must weigh all equipment on camera, as shown in the challenge demo video.
    • Show the barbell and all plates, individually on the scale and the scale reading for each piece of equipment
    • Required regardless of equipment brand
  5. The athlete must show all supportive equipment they are wearing for the challenge
    • Confirm that it meets all standards listed above for permitted vs not permitted equipment
  6. The athlete must weigh themself on camera
    • Athlete must be wearing all supportive equipment they will wear for the challenge
    • Show athlete on scale and show the scale reading
    • Barbell load total will be athletes bodyweight rounded to the nearest 5lbs
    • 183.2lbs bodyweight = 185lb barbell load - 141.1lb bodyweight = 140lb barbell load
  7. The camera should move back into the correct 45 degree filming angle for the challenge attempt.
    • Athlete may load the barbell to the correct weight at this time. Each plate should be clearly shown to the camera to verify the load.
    • The final position should capture the athlete clearly showing all movement standards required for the back squat as well as the timer.
  8. Once the athlete is ready they may begin the challenge based on the criteria outlined above.
    • At 3-2-1 Go, the timer may start and the athlete approach the barbell to begin back squatting
    • Athlete may not touch the bar prior to the clock starting
  9. At the 5:00min mark the athlete will stop back squatting
    • Reps must be completed before the timer hits 5 minutes. Any reps not finished at the 5 minute mark will not count
    • Athlete re-racks the barbell
  10. Athlete will move to the broad jump area
    • The camera should follow and keep the athlete in full view at all times if the camera needs to move
    • If moved, the final camera position needs to be shot from a 45 degree angle for the broad jump
  11. At 5:30 on the clock the athlete will complete their first attempt broad jump for max distance
    • The athlete should mark their heel closest to the jump line with tape or chalk
    • Refer to movement standards for measuring the distance
    • Athlete has to jump on the 30 seconds interval, any athlete that delays the time to jump to get more rest will be penalised
  12. At 6:00 on the clock the athlete will complete their second attempt broad jump
    • The athlete should mark their heel closest to the jump line with tape or chalk
  13. At 6:30 on the clock the athlete will complete their third attempt broad jump
    • The athlete should mark their heel closest to the jump line with tape or chalk
  14. At the completion of the third broad jump attempt or the 7 minute mark, the farthest broad jump can now be measured/determined
    • Camera needs to be moved in to clearly see the final distance measured
    • See Rogue Challenge Video for a visual reference on how to accomplish this.
  15. At the conclusion of the measurement process, the video may end.
    • The athlete can submit their score in the challenge section on the BTWB app

  • All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
  • Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judge's discretion.
  • Refer to the demo video on the Rogue website for a visual for how the workout and video should flow.