Health, Strength, Beauty – Women’s Q&A – Strength Magazine – April 1930
Strength Magazine’s column dedicated to women’s health and fitness, called “Health-Strength-Beauty: Our Girls Circle” was penned here by Marjorie Heathcote for the April 1930 issue. Of interest here is when a reader writes to ask about weight training as a potential benefit to female health.
“Now my dear readers, I am not advocating weight lifting for women,” Heathcote responds. “However, we must distinguish between the lifting of weights to see how much can be lifted and physical improvement exercises with bar bell apparatus. In the case of the normal women or young women who are quite mature, nothing but benefit can result when extremely light weights are used to begin with and the woman is careful to proceed with moderate increases.”
The article also includes images of dancers Patricia Bowman and Margaret Chambers.