Father-Figure or Phony? – Iron Game History – December 1994
The most striking feature of the growing body of strength literature in the past decade has been the prevalence of biographical accounts. Glittering portraits abound of heroes from the past, satisfying the nostalgic cravings of Strength & Health Boys Grown Up” and proving a rich heritage of role models for future generations of strength athletes.3 Comparatively less attention has been focused on the great patriarchs of the iron game, the likes of which include George Windship, “Father” Bill Curtis, Professor Attila, Eugen Sandow, Bemarr Macfadden, Alan Calvert, George Jowett, Mark Berry, Bob Hoffman, Peary Rader, and the Weider brothers. Of these luminaries only Windship, Sandow, Macfadden, and Hoffman have been subjected to academic scrutiny.