CB-1 Rogue Camber Bar

12 reviews
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CB-1 Rogue Camber Bar

12 reviews
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€ 562,65
Excl. btw
€ 465,00


MerkRogue Fitness
Gemaakt in de VSJa
Staalgegevens1.5 "massieve stalen schacht
Andere kenmerkenGetest op 1000 lbs.
Geschikt voorSpecialistisch

De Rogue CB-1 is bedoeld voor serieuze gewichtheffers die de spieren aan de achterkant van het lichaam willen versterken.

Het is rackable zodat atleten kunnen trainen met al onze power racks, squat stands of Rigs. De balk bevindt zich verder voor de middellijn en legt de nadruk op de hamstrings en de onderrug. Hiermee kan het bovenlichaam verticaal blijven, de juiste vorm trainen om maximale diepte en explosiviteit te krijgen door een volledig bewegingsbereik. Dit betekent dat u sterker, snel kunt worden, terwijl u uw lichaam beter voorbereidt op veilige, effectieve training onder elk type bar.

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Camber Bar voor gebruik met rekken en installaties

De Rogue CB-1 is bedoeld voor serieuze gewichtheffers die de spieren aan de achterkant van het lichaam willen versterken.

Het is rackable zodat atleten kunnen trainen met al onze power racks, squat stands of Rigs. De balk bevindt zich verder voor de middellijn en legt de nadruk op de hamstrings en de onderrug. Hiermee kan het bovenlichaam verticaal blijven, de juiste vorm trainen om maximale diepte en explosiviteit te krijgen door een volledig bewegingsbereik. Dit betekent dat u sterker, snel kunt worden, terwijl u uw lichaam beter voorbereidt op veilige, effectieve training onder elk type bar.

BELANGRIJK: Bepaalde standaard haltersluitingen passen niet op deze speciale halterstang. Wij adviseren om voor deze halterstang Axle Collars te gebruiken.



  • Gewicht: 85 lbs
  • Voorgevormde stang van massief staal met een diameter van 1.5" (3,8 cm)
  • Bewerkte olympische schijfopnamen
  • Volledig gelaste constructie



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Axle Collars die geschikt zijn voor deze speciale halterstang:

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1 - 8 van 12 reviews
Dec 2024
Old SquatRack is in better condition than New Bar
The bar itself is solid and sturdy, and I love the extra effort that the bar demands on my low back and legs. I love the bar, but I’m extremely disappointed in the condition of it. For a price of 562 euros (586.35 USD), you expect a barbell in superb condition. Unfortunately, the bar shape was far from that. While the outer package arrived in perfect shape, the bar inside was in poor condition. It's hard to say if this is a second-hand product. If it's a new one this is not a lack of attention to detail but a non existing quality control. Rusted areas in welding points, unpainted sections, and thick scratches both on the sleeves and along the main bar. Not right—especially from a brand like Rogue at this price. My Roque Squat Rack is in better condition than my new Camber Bar.
Ja · 1
Nee · 0

Reactie van Rogue Fitness:

Dec 2024
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we're sorry for the poor condition your bar was received in. We are working with you now to make this right.
Des Moines, IA
Dec 2024
Big time purchase!
I bought this 3 years ago. It has seen regular use over that time as both a squat bar and a bench press bar, in about a 50/50 split. I got it initially as a squat bar to alleviate the shoulder joint and bicep tendon discomfort that has come with straight bar squatting as my upper back has become stronger during sets of squat. It has definitely fulfilled it's initial intent. In doing so, it forced me to learn how to do squats with it because it is a different animal than a traditional straight bar, but I don't enjoy learning new things. As a bench press bar, I find it useful a bench press variant for training waves (blocks, etc whatever you call them) at my strength level (about 300ish pound bench press). The weight being that far offset and the bar being thicker forces my stabilizers to work harder. Overall good bench press bar for strength work. Only real annoyance is that the bar can't really be used inside a power rack because of the large camber, but it's not really that bothersome. I just know that safety is all on me when I use it. It is every bit of 85 pounds so it's no joke getting the bar up onto the J-cups. This bar has been rock solid and haven't ever cared about the lack of knurling on it.
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
Murf The Highlander
Little Rock, AR
Mar 2023
Cambered Bar
The construction on this bar is excellent. It can definitely take a beating. My only recommendation to Rogue is to put a center knurling on it and to consider stenciling the Rogue logo on it as opposed to a sticker. It does want to slide a little on your back. Otherwise it's a great piece of equipment.
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
Sep 2022
Love this bar
This quickly became my favorite bar and I use it frequently
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguecanada.ca
May 2021
Heavy chunk o offset metal
82 #! Box came trashed, some dings and dangits from the rough trip, cost as much to ship as half the bar price, the logo came off after the first lift, blah-bu-blah - who cares? You’ll scrape it up from your 1st rack and bumping this heavy thing around in your cage! So pleased I made this investment. It makes a back squat feel a little more like a front squat. I use it on standing press (because I have a low ceiling and the plates hit with a straight bar) and bench as well. On any lift it forces you to have a steady path otherwise it swings around a little bit with the plates hanging low. Love it folks, buy one!
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Addition to my dungeon
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
Zach S
Littleton, CO
May 2019
Less knee pain when squatting
I agree with the other reviews in that this bar is very well made and the paint does not peel or scratch and the shipping was quick. However, the greatest advantage to this bar is that it reduced anterior knee pain during squats (in fact I did not feel any) and allowed me to squat deeper with a more upright torso. Traditional barbell squats have caused anterior knee pain for me for the past 10 years and my mobility is limited by a left ankle anterior impingement. So, I am so grateful that I can make squats a regular part of my routine again.
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Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
Columbus, OH
Oct 2018
Just another great Rogue product!
Love this bar! Like everything Rogue offers it is incredibly made and I can’t imagine ever needing to replace.
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
Buffalo, ny
Mar 2018
Top of the line
As usual, rogue outdid themselves with this bar. It is incredible, very heavy-duty and I see no reason why my great-great grandchildren won't be training with it! It will last forever.
Ja, ik beveel dit product aan
Oorspronkelijk gepost op roguefitness.com
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