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Original Sling Shot

91 Reviews

Original Sling Shot

91 Reviews
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Gear Specs

BrandSuper Training Products
Made In USANo
Product Description

The Original Sling Shot will allow you to handle about a 10% overload in the bench press while avoiding the pain that comes along with pushing your body to the limit.  It mimics natural muscle movement by lengthening and shortening with the muscles thus giving support on the eccentric and concentric phase of a bench press.  This effect can greatly reduce stress on the shoulders, elbows, and chest.

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Bench more weight.

The Original Sling Shot will allow you to handle about a 10% overload in the bench press while avoiding the pain that comes along with pushing your body to the limit.  It mimics natural muscle movement by lengthening and shortening with the muscles thus giving support on the eccentric and concentric phase of a bench press.  This effect can greatly reduce stress on the shoulders, elbows, and chest.

Use the Original Slingshot for benching, pushups or for assistance on ring dips and Muscle Ups.

The Sling Shot was invented by world class powerlifter Mark Bell (545LB raw Bench, 854LB equipped Bench) to help lifters bench more weight safely and without pain. The Sling Shot is easy to put on, easy to use and will help maintain correct form. It is suitable for lifters of all ages and strength levels.

Fit Guide

Fit Guide:

Weight121LB - 140LB141LB - 180LB181LB - 220LB221LB - 300LBOver 300LB

Note: There is a possibility of receiving a product with the new or old style logo as Super Training is transitioning to a blank logo with a white outline.

Please Note: If you are really tall (over 6' 4") or have especially big forearms, you need to order one size larger.


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1 - 8 of 91 Reviews
Dennis G
Hickory Creek, Texas
2 weeks ago
No shoulder pain
I wish I found this sooner. Easy to use and works great! Thank you Lird for the gains I’m about to receive
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Havertown PA
Jun 2024
This piece of gear is the real deal! I m a 68 year old retired Marine, who trains regularly. This gear does everything it says it can do and then some. As you get older, previous injuries and joint health are paramount. Because of these issues and because it is hard to find a workout partner with the same workout mindset, the slingshot meets these requirements. It is of great benefit especially if you are attempting a PR or doing reps to exhaustion. This is my second slingshot - wore the other one out! A must for all serious gym rats and for not so serious gym rats because it prevents injury!
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Jun 2024
No pain
My shoulder pain is gone after two weeks. I had a slight twinge using this the first week. Second week I benched heavy and no more pain. I had shoulder issues for years this really helped me correct that issue. Like most reviews I am 60 and older lifters said this helped them tremendously and I agree.
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Dominic G
Jun 2024
Excellent product
Works even better than i thought it would, I have 18.5 inch arms so its a little snug to pull on but it has holes in it to help, overall very pleased it helps you understand proper technique by supporting your lift and making you use proper position
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Frank L
Chicago Suburb
Feb 2024
Original Slingshot
Provides physical & mental support while benching. Excellent tool for older lifters, or those overcoming injury. A well made product that provides pain free results. Helps maintain perfect form.
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Oct 2023
Thanks Smelly!!
Awesome tool for a variety of reasons. Allows you to work with heavier loads with less risk. Also using the slingshot for AMRAPS and volume will get you looking and feeling thick and juicy in no time!!
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Vancouver Canada
Mar 2023
Shoulders feeling great
Bought this maybe a month ago and havent had any lingering shoulder pain since i started using it. Its a god send.
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Alberta, Canada
Dec 2022
This aide has taken the stress off my shoulders and kept my lift straight. It did boost my bench but I do sets without it. I’ll take it at 82.
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