
Rogue Dip Accessory Strap - 4"

11 Rezensionen
Hergestellt in den USA.

Rogue Dip Accessory Strap - 4"

11 Rezensionen
Hergestellt in den USA.
47,60 €
Ohne Umsatzsteuer
40,00 €
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FarbenBehandeltes Leder
Hergestellt in den USAJa
Weitere SpezifikationenNur kompatibel mit 4" oder schmaleren Gürteln.

Der robuste 4" Dip Accessory Strap von Pioneer Fitness ist hier mit exklusivem Rogue-Branding erhältlich und kann einfach an einem vorhandenen Gewichthebergürtel (4”/10.2 cm oder kleiner in der Breite) befestigt werden. Einfach durchschieben, an die Vorderseite des Gürtels legen, eine Scheibe hinzufügen und schon kann es losgehen.

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Rogue Dip Accessory Strap - 4"
Behandeltes Leder

Der robuste 4" Dip Accessory Strap von Pioneer Fitness ist hier mit exklusivem Rogue-Branding erhältlich und kann einfach an einem vorhandenen Gewichthebergürtel (4”/10.2 cm oder kleiner in der Breite) befestigt werden. Einfach durchschieben, an die Vorderseite des Gürtels legen, eine Scheibe hinzufügen und schon kann es losgehen.

Der Dip Accessory Strap mit einer Gesamtlänge von sechs Zoll (15.24 cm) wird in den USA aus behandeltem, 100% echtem Sohlenleder hergestellt. Die geschweißte Stahlkette, vernickelte Stahlnieten und Klemme sind im Lieferumfang enthalten.

Hergestellt von Pioneer Fitness in Coleman, Texas.

Siehe auch: Weitere Strap-Accessoires erhältlich bei Rogue



  • Hergestellt in den USA
  • Kompatibel mit 4" oder schmäleren Gürteln 
  • 100% echtes Sohlenleder - behandelt
  • Hochbelastbare vernickelte Nieten und Klemme
  • Rogue-Schriftzüge

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Kommentar 1–8 von 11
Tampere, Finland
Apr 2023
Not good
First product from Rogue that I haven’t liked. When you put load on the chain the weight tilt’s the belt that is holding the strap. Also it doesn’t matter if you hold the belt higher or lower it still buries itself to your sides and stomach. Traditional dipbelt goes along with your hip and sits nicely without any discomfort regardless of the weight you put on it.
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The Leadership Dr
Sep 2022
Love this thing
I use this in my gym probably 3-4 times a week. It’s great for dips/pull ups (or even elevated sumo squats). I don’t suggest using this on a lever belt. I also have the rogue nylon belt and it gets well over the part where you can put a patch. Super versatile and easy to throw in the gym bag.
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Ursprüngliche Quelle des Beitrags:
Shasta Lake City, CA
Apr 2021
Snug fit and compatible with Lever Belt
I bought this along with the lever belt. When I received them both I was nervous the lever mechanism would proved to be incompatible with the accessory. This is not the case if you slide it on under the lever mechanism. The black on brown provides a nice aesthetic and the accessory works as intended. I am very satisfied.
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Ursprüngliche Quelle des Beitrags:
Mar 2021
I happy then I bought that item does what should do everyone must have it
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Paris , France
Oct 2020
I bought both items and that’s good qualities . I’m really happy .
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WA state
Jul 2020
Great product
This product is good quality and has worked well for weighted dips and chin-ups. Fits nice and snug around the 4" leather belt.
Ursprüngliche Quelle des Beitrags:
Juicy James
Montreal, Quebec
Feb 2020
Very High Quality
I bought this about a month ago and have used it about 4 times a week. I actually don't mind the stock clip as much as other reviewers have mentioned, but I do think I will be inclined to upgrade it to something a bit bigger at some point. Pretty much the perfect alternative to buying a seperate dip belt.
Ursprüngliche Quelle des Beitrags:
Sep 2019
It seems like it's quality leather. I did change the clip to something bigger. I don't know if it comes with a chain but mine did not. But a few dollars at the hardware store fixed it up
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