
VooDoo X Bands

21 Rezensionen

VooDoo X Bands

21 Rezensionen
32,13 €
Ohne Umsatzsteuer
27,00 €
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Hergestellt in den USANein
MaterialtypGummiteile aus Naturlatex
Weitere SpezifikationenStärke: 0,060"
Maximale Dehnung: 150 % der Länge

Das VooDoo X Band ist dicker als das standardmäßige VooDoo Floss Band. Das dickere Band bietet stärkere Kompression und eignet sich besser für schwierig zu umwickelnde Bereiche, wie z. B. den oberen Hüftbereich. Es ist außerdem eine gute Alternative für schwerere Sportler, wie z. B. Kraftdreikämpfer und Strongmen, die oft mehr Kompression brauchen.

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VooDoo X Bands

Das VooDoo X Band ist dicker als das standardmäßige VooDoo Floss Band. Das dickere Band bietet stärkere Kompression und eignet sich besser für schwierig zu umwickelnde Bereiche, wie z. B. den oberen Hüftbereich. Es ist außerdem eine gute Alternative für schwerere Sportler, wie z. B. Kraftdreikämpfer und Strongmen, die oft mehr Kompression brauchen.



  • Lieferung paarweise
  • Länge: 7"
  • Breite: 2" (5.08 cm)
  • Dicker als das Standard-VooDoo Floss Band
  • Material: Natürliches Latexgummi
  • Maximale Ausdehnung: 150 % der Eigenlänge

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Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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32,13 €
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Kommentar 1–8 von 21
Waleed Ahmed
Santa Ana, California
Apr 2024
Great Product for Recovery
This product helps immensely in my injuries’ recovery; amazing blood flow as caused by using it for voodoo floss. Best Regards!!!
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Cape Girardeau, MO
May 2023
Love the product. It has really helped me.
Love the product. It has really helped me during recovery sessions. Began using it after bad swelling post toughest mudder event where I experienced slight right knee sprain. I do recommend you wash the roles with soap and water in the shower before use to wash the latex powder off which massively increases tackiness of role but also keeps the latex powder off hands the first 30 uses 😀
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Houston, Texas
Dec 2021
Voodoo for real
I see why they call them voodoo bands. It’s magic, seriously. I had a squat day consisting of mostly front squats and thrusters, and the next day my right knee was just so inflamed I was kind of babying it. I threw on the bands around the top and bottom of my knee and left it on for maybe 1:30- 2 minutes, walked around and WOW. My knee felt so much better, it didn’t completely alleviate the pain but definitely felt the mobility of it again. I’m sure other brands do just fine and are just as good, I mean it’s a rubber band, how much technology are put into these. Rogue is just my go-to for gym/CrossFit related things.
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Woodway, TX
Jul 2021
It works great.
Used twice so far on a problem elbow. Pain and discomfort reduced by eighty percent immediately.
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Apr 2020
Works great
My doctor recommended this as part of rehab for a torn ligament. This stuff is incredibly durable and works exactly as expected.
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Melbourne, Australia
Nov 2019
Love it!
Bought these after being introduced to them on a recent strength and conditioning course. Fantastic tool to use with clients, but also for myself to compliment my own training. The effects are awesome!!
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Sep 2019
Great product
Perfect ! I’m so happy to have this band ! Very helpful!
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Hamden, CT
May 2018
VooDoo X Upgrade
This product really adds the X-tra pressure it claims too, catching areas of the high hip and larger muscles of the leg more efficiently than the regular voodoo bands. Find it great for flushing the legs and warming up when short on time.
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