Squat Stand Wheel Bracket Set

18 Comentarios
Fabricado en EE.UU.

Squat Stand Wheel Bracket Set

18 Comentarios
Fabricado en EE.UU.
Squat Stand Wheel Bracket Set
48,40 €
(1) Juego de soportes
Band Pegs
25,41 €
(2) clavijas para gomas

Especificaciones del producto

MarcaRogue Fitness
Fabricado en EE. UU.
Peso del producto4LB
DiámetroDiámetro de la Rueda: 3"
Información sobre el aceroAcero cortado con láser de 3/8"
Otras especificaciones del productoDisponible de manera opcional una pareja de clavijas para gomas
Descripción del producto

Compatible con los racks de sentadillas SML y S-Series de Rogue (con la excepción del modelo S-4), este práctico set de soportes para ruedas permite a los propietarios de gimnasios maximizar su espacio y haga rodar una unidad de forma segura fuera del camino cuando no esté en uso.

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Squat Stand Wheel Bracket Set

Compatible con los racks de sentadillas SML y S-Series de Rogue (con la excepción del modelo S-4), este práctico set de soportes para ruedas permite a los propietarios de gimnasios maximizar su espacio y haga rodar una unidad de forma segura fuera del camino cuando no esté en uso.

Los (2) soportes están fabricados en los EE. UU. con acero cortado con láser de 3/8" de espesor y se montan en los orificios de 5/8" en la base de un rack de sentadillas Infinity o Monster Lite. Las ruedas duraderas miden 3" de diámetro Los clientes tienen la opción de agregar un par de clavijas de banda a su pedido (seleccionables en el área de compra), que se pueden insertar en los tubos de la base delantera para que sirvan como manijas de seguridad al mover la unidad.

Notas de seguridad importantes: Las clavijas para bandas opcionales deben usarse ÚNICAMENTE para mover el rack; podrían representar un peligro de tropiezo si se instalan hacia el interior del rack y deben retirarse antes de iniciar cualquier entrenamiento en el rack. El trabajo con bandas NO debe realizarse en racks de sentadillas a menos que estén bien sujetos al suelo. Asegúrese de que todas las barras, pesos y accesorios se hayan retirado del rack antes de moverlo. Para una seguridad óptima, Rogue recomienda mover rack de sentadillas más grandes con la ayuda de una segunda persona.

Notas sobre la configuración:
No se incluye hardware con el juego de soportes; los clientes utilizarán el hardware existente de su puesto en cuclillas. Se requiere una llave de cubo/llave de 15/16” para instalar los soportes de las ruedas. Los clientes deberán desatornillar el conjunto de pernos de 5/8" existente de su rack (donde el travesaño se sujeta a los tubos de la base) y desechar las arandelas planas en el exterior del conjunto. Esto permitirá que el Perno hexagonal encaje correctamente en las roscas de la Tuerca hexagonal. NO retire las arandelas de seguridad divididas del interior del conjunto. Las ruedas deben estar orientadas hacia afuera y ligeramente levantadas del suelo.

Explora más accesorios Infinityy Monster Lite disponibles de Rogue

Especificaciones del producto


  • Fabricado en EE. UU.
  • Se vende en un set
  • Compatible solo con Rogue Infinity S-Series o Monster Lite SML Squat Stands
  • (2) soportes de acero cortados con láser de 3/8"
  • Ruedas de 3” de diámetro
  • Un par de clavijas para bandas opcionales se puede agregar al pedido para que sirvan como manijas de transporte
  • Requiere ensamblaje - Manual de instrucciones incluido
  • Color: negro


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Productos recomendados


1 - 8 de 18 Reseñas
Liberty NY
Nov 2024
Unnecessary accessory
Well made, fit perfectly, almost useless. I didn’t realize until after I put everything together that I’m the perfect height to move my squat rack without needing the wheels and it’s hard to make use of the wheels unless you make a pretty awkward tilt.
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
Keep Lifting
May 2021
Solid product with some caution
Everything by Rogue is solid. Impeccable craftsmanship. The metal the wheel both feel premium. There are two improvements that I think will be good to have. The replacement bolt needs to be longer. It's the same length as the one it's replacing. Which means it's a bit too short with the added width of the metal plate. It's not long enough to go through the bolt all the way. Another improvement would be to have a cover over the wheels so someone cannot accidentally step on it and slip.
Sí, recomiendo este producto
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
Metamora, IL
Mar 2021
Not as effective as I thought they'd be
I bought these to be able to move the rack around my garage and driveway, but I haven't really been able to use them. The rack is wider than my wingspan, so short of jumping up to the pullup bar and trying to tip the rack down onto the wheels (which seems dangerous, at best), I haven't had a good chance to use these. You'll probably need a partner to help you tip it up onto the wheel and maneuver it.
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
Jeff 1973
Feb 2021
Great mobility, could use better hardware
First off, this is a great accessory to my squat rack. I forgot to order them with my rack, so I had to drag my squat rack around on pieces of cardboard for a couple weeks, so I only appreciated them more when they arrived. However, they arrived without the necessary hardware to install them. They came without bolts and the ones for the crossmember on the squat rack are not long enough. I have them installed but the bolts only engage several threads on the nuts, so it compromises the strength of the joint. I requested and received an additional hardware set but they are the same length bolts as my crossmember. They would be fine to install on the non-crossmember end of the rack, but I don't want my wheels or any protruding hardware on the non-crossmember end. This size bolt is extremely hard to source as a consumer so for now I'm stuck using it with my bolts only engaging the nuts with several threads. Otherwise, it's a great accessory and for a garage gym like mine, they're indispensible.
Sí, recomiendo este producto
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
South Dakota
Jan 2021
Honesty time
So I bought these just to move my squat stand around if I ever needed to. I have not really needed to move it a lot but when I have I am glad that I have the wheel kit to assist with the transfer of moving my stuff around.
Sí, recomiendo este producto
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
Brooklyn, NY
Jan 2021
Deal Maker
Without these, there was no way for me to have the SL-2 in the Garage. These wheels make it possible; I can roll the rack all the way to the back of the garage to park, then wheel it forward to work out. The rack is heavy but manageable. This is a brilliant accessory.
Sí, recomiendo este producto
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
South Bay, CA
Dec 2020
Well made, but effectiveness is questionable
Bought this with my SML-1 rack out of impulse, but also wanted to see how well this works... and it kinda doesn't. Product is very durable and well made, as expected from Rogue. I was a bit disappointed because I tried to see how useful it was on my rack and it was just as easy for my buddy and I to just each grab a post and slide the rack around vs. tilting it and rolling it. By the way, IDK who has long enough wingspans to grab each post on their own, so even with wheels, you'll likely need another person to grab each post, tilt it, then roll it. I suppose if you have to move it quite some distance (garage to driveway) or something, then rolling it would be worthwhile.
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
Leander, Tx.
Oct 2020
Must have
Great for moving rack in garage. Well constructed.
Sí, recomiendo este producto
Publicado originalmente en roguefitness.com
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