

16 Rezensionen
Hergestellt in den USA.


16 Rezensionen
Hergestellt in den USA.
3 Ships Free-ARTIKEL
Orange Roller Attachment
23,80 €
107,10 €


Hergestellt in den USAJa
Gewicht1 lb.

Der Armaid® ist speziell darauf ausgelegt, Schmerzen zu lindern und weiteren Verletzungen infolge von Sehnenentzündungen und Überlastungen von Unterarm, Handgelenk, Hand, Ellbogen, Bizeps und Trizeps vorzubeugen. Durch die doppelte Massagetechnik hilft das Tool, Muskelverspannungen und Knoten zu lösen und Triggerpunkte gezielt zu bearbeiten.

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Der Armaid® ist speziell darauf ausgelegt, Schmerzen zu lindern und weiteren Verletzungen infolge von Sehnenentzündungen und Überlastungen von Unterarm, Handgelenk, Hand, Ellbogen, Bizeps und Trizeps vorzubeugen. Durch die doppelte Massagetechnik hilft das Tool, Muskelverspannungen und Knoten zu lösen und Triggerpunkte gezielt zu bearbeiten.

  • Das Neopren-Beinband hält den Armaid® stabil in Position, während du den Zielbereich massierst.
  • Die weiche Schaumstoffrolle auf der einen Seite und die festen Massagebälle auf der anderen behandeln zeitgliech alle Irritationen und Verspannungen an den Sehnen.
  • Leichtes und mobiles Tool
  • Inklusive zehnjähriger Garantie und DVD mit Anleitungen zu unterschiedlichen Massagetechniken
  • Inklusive Roller in Weiß-Grau
  • Zusätzlicher oranger Roller-Aufsatz zur Behandlung des tiefen Muskelgewebes

Made in the USA


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Kommentar 1–8 von 16
Las Vegas NV
Mar 2020
Very effective and helpful!
It works so well to relieve forearm pain and tightness I've recommended it to several clients.
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Mar 2020
Waist of money
This thing doesn’t not work.... my forearms seem to slightly too big (and I don’t have giant firearms) to really hit the right spots with enough force. The way it straps to your leg makes it awkward to use and hit the right angles.
Ursprüngliche Quelle des Beitrags:
Calgary, AB, Canada
Sep 2018
AMAZING! Well worth the money
I have been suffering for years with pain in my arms, wrists and elbows and this product actually works! I highly recommend it! I have even used it to strip my chins, it’s really versatile and my husband and I use it regularly.
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Regina, SK, Canada
Jun 2018
Amazing product
I thought it might do the same thing as rolling a lacrosse ball across my forearm to relieve trigger points in my flexors. I used a lacrosse ball for months with no relief, I bit the bullet and got one of these out of frustration. It is about the cost of two massage visits, and after using it for a few times a day for a week, my elbow pain is nearly gone. Something about compressing both sides and pushing the fluid up sets it apart from ordinary lacrosse trigger point action.
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Piano wire
Denver, Colorado
Mar 2018
Built sturdy, genius engineering
My girlfriend and I both work with our hands, so this device is important to loosen up our tight forearm muscles. You can get a pretty thorough forearm massage in about 10 minutes. Highly recommended!
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Somewhere in Arizona...
Mar 2018
It Works
Good product, well designed ... well thought out and put together ... it does what it was made to do..
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Anaheim, CA, United States
Oct 2016
It Really Does Work!
My elbow and forearm pain finally reached the point of no return. I was doing some flossing with my voodoo bands but it wasn't enough even with the proper stretching. I had seen the Armaid some time ago but chose to pass due to the cost but finally went all in. I have no regrets. Within a few days I felt significant relief and now almost a month later I'm back to 90% good. Still some work to do but I can get through more workouts without any issue or significant scaling.
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Berlin, Germany
Sep 2016
Awesome device and great company
I love my Armaid and use it regularly. I do Olympic Weightlifting and this is one of the prehab/rehab devices I could not live without. I am not aware of any other device, that can do what Armaid does and I have all kinds if rolls and balls. I also want to mention that the company has great customer service. My orange ball broke and they sent me replacement parts for free to Germany! 5 Stars!
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