
Super Squats - How to Gain 30lbs of Muscle in 6 Weeks

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Super Squats - How to Gain 30lbs of Muscle in 6 Weeks

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In this all-time fitness classic, IronMind founder Randall J. Strossen breaks down how the Super Squats program has helped “turn human toothpicks into stalwarts, and stalwarts into legends.” Not for the weak-willed or faint of heart, this educational and motivational read has challenged countless athletes across three decades to get stronger, faster—without the use of drugs, fancy equipment, or food fads.

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Super Squats - How to Gain 30lbs of Muscle in 6 Weeks
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.

In this all-time fitness classic, IronMind founder Randall J. Strossen breaks down how the Super Squats program has helped “turn human toothpicks into stalwarts, and stalwarts into legends.” Not for the weak-willed or faint of heart, this educational and motivational read has challenged countless athletes across three decades to get stronger, faster—without the use of drugs, fancy equipment, or food fads.

“Wussies hate it, Hardies revel in it.”



  • Training Guide / Instructional Book
  • Author: Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D
  • Publication Date: 1989
  • Pages: 112
  • Taschenbuch
  • Publisher: Ironmind Enterprises

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Kommentar 1–3 von 3
Sep 2024
Cant stop studying this book
So full of great information and have read it twice since receiving the book.
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Willie Mayes
California, United States
Mar 2017
The Basics Work. . This Book Game Changer!
This is the simplest book I've ever read on weightlifting. But it's also the most effective. The book main focus is progressive resistance, continually adding weight. stronger muscles are bigger muscles. I'm a hardgainer and for years couldn't gain weight. I started at 175lbs and got up to 190 on no supplements!! My own mother asked me if I was on steroids! If you want to put on muscle get this book. Work hard at it and squat, eat and grow!!
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mike long
Mar 2014
A little dated on the diet but this program is legit
I originally bought this book in 1990 & can attest the program works. If you are a hard gainer and looking for something brutal I would recommend this quick & easy read. I did this workout every 6 months from age 14 until 22. I would probably suggest modifying some of the moves & not drinking a gallon of whole milk a day, but as I am getting close to 40 I might break this out just to make my WOD's seem easier!
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